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Dachshund longhaired standard


Sørils BS-Foxy
 2013-05-11  ---   2016-07-15    Reg NO44325/13


Health: Back X-Ray: K-1   

1. prize blood-tracking, Club-CAC


Foxy died 15th July 2016 after being poisoned and got acute renal failure. She was only 3 years old. More than three week's treatment at the vet could not save her life. We have lost a wonderful, happy and kind breeding bitch. A great loss for us and our future breeding. You will forever have a special place in our hearts.

Results 2016:

2016-04-30: NDF show Skien, Chcl: Exc3 CQ judge Aase Jakobsen, N

2016-04-10: NDF-show Oslo, Chcl: Exc1 CQ clCAC BB BOB BIS3 judge: Per Kristian Andersen  2016-03-13: INT NKK Kristiansand, Exc1 CQ CAC 3BB NUCH & SEUCH judge: L Miklos HU

2016-03-12: NDF-show Rykene, Exc1 CQ judge: Svein Bjarne Helgesen

2016-02-21: INT NKK-show Bø Ocl Exc, judge: Heikkinen-lehkonen, Paula, FI

2016-01-08: INT SKK ,Göteborg Wcl Exc,  Judge:E.Nielsen, SE

2016-01-07:INT SKK ,Göteborg, Wcl Exc1, CQ,  BB2, ResCacib, judge Petru Muntean, Romania


Results 2015:

2015-11-01 DKK Winner Show, Exc1 CQ BB4, judge Kim Vigsø Nielsen

2015-10-31 DKK Herning, Exc2, CQ judge Poul Ørnemark

2015-10-18 NKK NV-2015 HAMAR: Exc1 CQ Res.CAC BB4

2015-09-28: NDF show Figgjo, Exc1, CQ, (Res.CAC) BB4, judge Wenja Rui, NO

2015-09-27: NKK Orre, Exc1, CQ, Res.CAC BB4, judge Nina Karlsdotter, SE

2015-08-08 NJFF Elverum, Wcl: Exc3, judge Bo Paulsson, SE

2015-06-14 VADHK show Harkmark: Exc1, ck BB2, judge Irene Krogstad, NO

2015-06-13 VAJFF show Vigeland, Exc2, ck, BB2, judge Niels Brandstrup, NO

2015-06-07 Skk Show Vänersborg, Exc2, judge Barbera Ruth Smith, SE

2015-06-06 NDF Show Holmestrand: Exc1, judge Lars Hjemtvedt, NO

2015-05-30: SBK Show Orre, Exc1, CQ, BB, BOS (CAC) judge Anca Giura, Romania

2015-05-24 NDF show Jevnaker Wc: Exc1 CQ BB2 (CAC) judge: Kjell Lindstrøm, SE

2015-05-23 NDF BIG CAC-show Skarnes Wc: Exc3, CQ judge: L-L Shulz, DK

2015-03-15: NDF show Løddesøl: Exc1, CQ, BB4, judge Bjarne Sørensen, NO

2015-03-14: INT NKK-show Kristiansand: Exc1, judge Svein Nordang, NO


Results 2014:

2014-09-14: INT NKK-Show Orre: Exc2, judge: Gjerterud Hagstrøm

2014-09-13: NDF-show Ålgård: Exc1, CQ, CAC, BB2, judge: Anette Edlander, SE

2014-07-27: NDF-show Rindalskogen, Exc1, CQ, BB, CAC, BOB, BIS1, judge M Holmli

2014-07-13: NDF Show, Rena, Exc1, CQ, Judge Elisabeth Rhodin
2014-07-11: INT SKK-show Tvååker, Exc1, CQ, 4BB, ResCAC, Judge: Siret Lepasaar
2014-07-06: Nordic Dachshund Show, Trondheim:Exc2, CQ judge: A-C Johansson
                      Morning show, Exc3, Judge Marianne Holmli
2014-06-15: Bloodtracking test NVDHK, (handler Astrid R-Neergård) 3.prize,best JR.
2014-06-01: VBDHK, Holmestrand, Jr.class: exc2, CQ, 3BB, res.CAC, judge T.Blume
2014-05-31: INT NKK Drammen, exc3, CQ, judge
2014-05-26: Bloodtracking test AADHK, (handler: Eva A-W Ellingsen), 2.prize
2014-05-24: Follo-Østfold DHK, Exc1, CQ, BB1, CAC, BOS judge: S Nordang
2014-05-18: Silkeborg, DGK, Morning-show, Exc2, CQ, judge B Sørensen
                      Afternoon show, Exc1, CQ Jr.CAC, Best jr.,  Judge C Hübbe
2014-05-17: Int SKK-Show Hässleholm, SE, Exc1, judge Martin Johansson, Se
2014-05-10: SBK-show Orre, Exc1, CQ, ResCAC,  BB2 judge Jose M D Sanches
2014-03-15: INT NKK-show Kristiansand, judge Espen Engh, Vg
2014-03-15: NDF show Froland, judge Arvid Göransson, Vg4
2014-03-09: NVDHK Blood-tracking test (handler Astrid R-Neergård), 2.prize


Below: Foxy winning BOS and CAC in Hølen       Foxy 11 weeks (photo R Aspevik)

The siblings N SE DK NORD UCH N SE VCH DKJW-14 Sørils Bs-Farkas (left) and NUCH SEUCH Sørils Bs-Foxy (right) winning BOS and BOB at NDF show in Oslo

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