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Wirehaired rabbit dachshund

DKJW-16  NJW-16  NW-16-17-18  DKW-16-17-18 
Sørils Oc-Lamborghini (Gini)
2015-08-02  Regnr. NO48583/15   Red

2. prize blood-tracking trial
Health: Eyes healthy,    Back X-Ray: K-0, Free   All teeth
Stays at the host family Jensen, Rykene

Results 2020:

2020-10-02 Lamborghini (Gini) has been mated in Finland. Sir: Baltiyskiy Talisman Tip Top (Russian  import)


Results 2019:

2019-07-25: Lamborghini gave birth to 4 beautiful males.

2019-05-25 &26 Lamborghini (Gini) has been mated in Tsjekkia. Sir: Multich Multiwinner U Know I Like It Vitoraz (Udo)

2019-05-12 IDS DKK Roskilde Exc CQ BB3 Judge: Gabriela Richard, DE

2019-05-11: IDS DKK  Roskilde Exc CQ BB1 Cacib BOS  Judge: Andras Korozs 

2019-05-10: Nordic DKK, Roskilde Vg (did not walk properly in high, wet gras) Judge: Martin Johansson, SE

2019-05-04: IDS NKK Ålesund Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOB Judge: Arne Foss, NO 

2019-04-28: Dogshow Telemark DHK, Skien, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BIS5 Judge V. Nymark

2019-04-07: BHDHK dogshow, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB Jundge: Elin P Normannseth, NO

Results 2018:

2018-12-31:  the most winning wirehaired dachshund on DKK's show 2018 in Denmark

2018-12-20:  the most winning wirehaired dachshund on NKK's show 2018

2018-11-18: IDS NKK Lillestrøm NW-18: Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB CACIB  NW-18 Judge: A L Buvik

The judge said: "Velblansert helhet. korrekte proposjoner. velskåret hode med god lengde. tilstrekkelig lengde i brystet. bra forbryst. velvinklet med stabile beveg. utmerket pelskva. trivelig temparement.

2018-11-16: NKK Lillestrøm NORDIC W-18: Exc2 CQ BB2 Res.NORDIC CAC Judge: Kriisk Kalvo

2018-11-04: IDS DKK Herning DKW: Exc, CQ BB1 CACIB BOB DKW-18 judge L-L Schulz, DK

2018-11-03; IDS DKK Herning: Exc, CQ CACIB BB1 BOB judge  Karl-Erik Johansson, SE

2018-09-16: IDS NKK dogshow Orre: Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB CACIB  Judge Bjarne Sørensen

2018-09-16: NDF dogshow Figgjo,Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BIS3  Judge Svein Nordang

2018-08-28: C.I.B confirmed

2018-08-26: SKK dogshow Backamo, SE Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB Judge Åse Jakobsen, NO

2018-08-25: AADHK-dogshow Søndeled,Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BIS5 Judge Lisbeth Campbell

2018-08-19: INT DKK-Show Bornholm,Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS  judge Alessandro Zeppi, Italy

2018-08-18: INT DKK-Show Bornholm,Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS judge Kristen Scheel, DK

2018-07-14: Glåmdal & Romerike DHK-show, EXC CQ BB BOB judge Monika Halmi,HU

2018-07-07: SKK-show Tvååker, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB Judge: Krisitna Ahlberg, FI

2018-07-06 Nordic SKK-show ,Tvååker, Exc1,CQ BB1 BOB, Nordic CAC. Now Nordic ChampionJudge: Mike Caple, GB

2018-06-19: Eye-tested today: Eyes healthy

2018-06-16: NJFF-show Tingvatn, Exc CQ BB1 BOB BOG5 judge Oscar Nilsen

2018-06-10: NDF-show Hortemo, : Exc CQ BB1 BOB BIS2 judge Trygve Heyerdal

2018-06-03: NDF-show Drammen Exc CQ BB1 BOB BIS6, judge Jette Ramvad, DK

2018-06-02: Nordic NKK-show Sandefjord, Exc CQ BB NORDIC-CAC BOB judge Marit Sunde

2018-05-27: SBK-show : Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BOG3 (gr. 4,6,7) judge:Daniela Risdan
2018-05-13: Int DKK-show Roskilde DK: Exc CQ BB CACIB BOB judge: Jens Myrman, SE 

2018-05-12 Int DKK-show Roskilde DK: Exc CQ BB CACIB BOB judge: Michael A Nielsen, DK

2018-05-11 Nordic DKK-show Roskilde DK: Exc CQ BB NORDIC-CAC BOB judge: L-H Wilberg

2018-03-18: NDF-show Arendal, :Exc CQ BB BOB BIS3 Judge: Irene Krogstad, NO

2018-03-17: INT NKK Kristiansand : CQ BB BOB CACIB BOG4 (gr.4,6)

Now qualified for C.I.B  Judge: Hans Erhard Grüttner, DE

2018-02-17: NKK Bø, CQ BB BOB Nordic CAC  Judge: Juha Putkonen, FI

2018-01-20:  Oppland DHK, Gran: CQ BB BOB BIS5, Judge: Petter Steen, NO

Results 2017:

2017-11-19: INT NKK NW-17: Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOB  NW-17 judge:  J Tschokkinen,FI

2017-11-05: INT DKW-17 Herning: Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOB DKW-17 judge: B B V Schedvin SE

2017-11-04 INT SKK-show Växjø, Exc1 CQ BB1 CAC CACIB BOB Now SEUCH and NORDUCH  judge Per-Harald Nymark, NO 

2017-10-18: Got super results for back X-Ray:  Free (K-0)

2017-09-09: NDF-show Rogaland: Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BIS4 judge Marit Sunde

2017-09-04: NUCH DKUCH has been confirmed for Lamborghini

2017-08-26: NDF Show Søndeled: Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BIS3 Judge Antonio Di Lorenzo

2017-08-12: NJFF-dogshow Prestøya: Exc CQ CAC BB BOB - now NUCH (and DKUCH as well) Judge: Markku Moilanen, SE/ES

2017-07-28: Bloodtracking test, Tromøy, AADHK: 2.prize, judge Rune Johansen

2017-05-21: DGK afternoon-show Silkeborg,DK Exc1 CQ CAC BB1 BOB JYSK Vinner 2017 judge: Petter Steen,NO 

2017-03-19: Gjennestad (NDF show), Exc1, judge Hannele Jokisilta
2017-03-18: INT NKK-show Kristiansand, Exc1 CQ CAC BB CACIB BOB, judge Arne Foss

2017-02-12: INT NKK-show Bø, vg, judge Harry Tast, FIN

2017-02-11: INT DKK show Fredericia, Exc1 CQ CAC BB CACIB BOB and finally  BIG1, judge Leif Ragnar Hjort, NO

Results 2016:

2016-11-20: NKK Lillestrøm, E1CQ NJV-16 BB1 CAC NW-16 BOB judge G Hagstöm SE

2016-11-06: NORDV-16 DKK Herning, Vg1, judge Niels Brandstrup, N

2016-11-05: DKK Herning, E1 CQ DKJV-16 BB1 CAC DKV-16 BOB judge E. Rhodin, SE

2016-10-15: NDF-show Drammen, Exc1 (to much coat), judge Per Iversen

2016-08-28: NDF Big-CAC show Skien, Exc1, CQ BB BigCAC BOB BIS5Judge: Bo Paulsson

2016-08-27: Bloodtracking test Vest-Busk DHK: 2.prize

2016-08-20: NDFshow Søndeled, Exc, CQ BB2, Judge: Jeanette O Lund, DK

2016-06-05: NDF-show Hillestad, Exc1  judge: Liz-Beth Liljeqvist, SE

2016-06-04: INT NKK-show Drammen, Exc1 judge: Lars Omdal, NO

2016-05-28: NDFshow Mysen, Exc1 CQ BB BOB, judge: Pia Lundberg, SE

2016-05-21: STK show Hässleholm SE, exc1 CQ BB2 judge Cindy Pettersson, SE

2016-05-15: NDF show. Skarnes, exc1 CQ BB BOB BIS5, judge M A Nielsen, DK


------------------------------------------------ puppy --------------------------------------------------------

2016-04-30: NDF-show Skien, exc, BOB, puppy BIS4  judge Anne Marit Olsen

2016-04-10: NDF-show Oslo: Puppycl 6-9 mn: BOB BIS3 (17 puppies) Judge: P K Andersen

2016-03-12: NDF-show Rykene: Puppycl 6-9 mn: BOB BIS2 Judge: S B Helgesen

Paring  Tip Top og Gini.jpg

Above: Gini 8 months at puppy show in Oslo

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