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Longhaired dachshund standard

 Sørils BS-Pretty Zoyatax 

(MultiCh Sørils LB-Brusco - MultiCh Badamtam's Semiamhoo)

2017-03-03   (DK14143/2017)   NO36485/17   Red (with black)

Health: IVDD Back X-Ray (DKK)K-0 ,  Healthy eyes,   All teeth


1.prize blood-tracking trial AK, CAC

Zoyatax returned to Norway and our kennel November the 15th 2021 when her Danish owner got failing health. Summer 2024 she retired and moved to Kari N Granlund, Lillesand

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NEWS 2025:

2025-02-15: AADHK annual meeting: Zoyatax has got BRONZE blood tracking progeny prize

NEWS 2023:

2023-05-01: Zoyatax has moved to a wonderful host-mum Kari N Granlund in Lillesand 

NEWS 2022:

2022-12-01: All L-puppies have left us for their new forever homes. Sørils BZ-La'Belle went to Os, Sørils BZ-Lemmie  to Aurskog, Sørils BZ-Lego to Kolltveit, Bergen, Sørils BZ-Loke to Heradsbygd and Sørils BZ-Luigi to Skien.

2022-09-26: Zoyatax gave birth to five puppies - two bitches and three males

2022-08-28: Zoyatax is pregnant and puppies are expected 29th September

2022-08-27: Dogshow AADHK Søndeled, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS, Judge L. Omdal

2022-07-28/29: Zoyatax has been mated. Sir: NUCH NBSCH NV(F)CH BI-Balder

2022-07-20: SEVCH confirmed for Zoyatax

2022-07-17: Dogshow Rena  Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS  Judge Rune Tyvold, NO

2022-07-16: Dogshow Rena,  Exc1 CQ BB2  Judge Carin Olsson, SE

2022-06-26: Dogshow VADHK: Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS Judge Arvid Göransson, SE

2022-06-13: Dalsland Dreverklubb, Blood tracking test  

Judge: Walde Dahlstrand  1.price AK     Now qualified for SEVCH

2022-06-12: SKK IDS Vänersborg, SE, Exc2,  judge John Sigve Berg, SE

2022-06-11: SkTK dogshow, Tidaholm, Exc1 CQ BB4, judge G Hagström

2022-05-21: SBK dogshow, Orre, Exc CQ BB2, judge Vincent O’Brian, Irland

2022-05-22: Jæren BHK dogshow, Orre, Exc CQ BB1 BOB, judge Satu Ylä-Mononen, FI

2022-04-30: AADHK, Blood tracking Competition (AK & EK): 96 points EK and, Judge: Geir Skoog

2022-04-18: NUCH has been confirmed from NKK

2022-04-02: AADHK dogshow, Exc1 CQ CAC BB2  judge Siv Bengtsson, SE

Now qualified for Norwegian Championship (NUCH)

2022-04-02: VADHK dogshow, Exc1  judge Marit Sunde, NO

2022-03-20: NKK IDS Kristiansand, Exc, judge Erica Pettersson, FI

2022-03-19: NKK Nordic show Kr.sand, Exc, judge N Brandstrup

NEWS 2021:

2021-11-15: Welcome home again, Pretty Zoyatax. Thank you Lise-Lotte Schulz for taking good care of her and made her both Danish and Swedish Show Champion + Danish Junior Champion and Danish Klub Junior Champion.


2022-02-04: Zoyatax winning CAC and became Norwegian Show Champion

at AADHK show, Froland

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2022-08-27: Zoyatax winning best Bitch and BOS at AADHK show at Søndeled

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2022-05-22: Jæren BHK dogshow, Orre, Zoyatax Exc CQ BB1 BOB 

Sørils GF-Olly BOS

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Zoyatax winning 1.price at blood-tacking test

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2022-07-19: Sørils BS-Pretty Zoyatax vinning BOS at Rena

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