Kennel Søril
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Breeding dachshunds in southern Norway Oppdrett av dachshunder på Sørlandet
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Updated 2025-03-09
Dachshund longhaired standard
Sørils ZM-Queen Freyja
(Ch Sørils Gb-Zeppelin - Ch Hound's Marshmallow)
2017-03-16 Reg NO38525/17 Red
Health: IVDD Back X-ray: K-1 Eyes healthy All teeth
1.prize blood-tracking trial in Norway and Sweden
NEWS 2023:
2023-02-08: Freyja has successfully been mated in Sweden. Sir Ch Pazir's Sirocco. More info here
NEWS 2022:
2022-09-16: SEVCH Confirmed for NBSCH Sørils ZM-Queen Freyja
2022-09-05: NBSCH Confirmed for Sørils ZM-Queen Freyja
2022-09-04: Dog Show Rog.DHK Vg. judge: Svein Nordang. Now qualified for Norwegian Blood tracking championship - NBSCH
2022-09-03: IDS NKK Orre Vg judge: Trygve Heyerdahl
NEWS 2021:
2021-11-30: Freyja has given birth to six wonderful puppies, four males and two bitches. Sir SEUCH NVCH SEVCH Sørils BS-Jinx.
2021-09-26 & 28: Queen Freyja has been matet. Sir: NUCH SEUCH NVCH SEVCH Sørils BS-Jinx. Puppies expected 30.11.2021.
NEWS 2020:
2020-06-22: Freyja has given birth to 4 puppies - 3 males and 1 bitch.
2020-04-19: Sørils Bs-Tomtom has mated Sørils ZM-Queen Freyja. Puppies are expected June 21th 2020. Tomtom is Back X-rayed with best results K-0 and have healthy eyes.
NEWS 2019:
2019-11-12: Freyja has given birth to 5 puppies - 4 males and 1 bitch.
2019-09-11: NUCH SEUCH Sørils Bs-Jinx has mated Sørils ZM-Queen Freyja.
2019-08-25: Blood-tracking trial test Dalslands Dreverklubb, Sweeden, judge Walde Dahlstrand 1.prize - Now also qualified for SEVCH
2019-08-05: Blood-tracking trial test FJFF, judge Berit Seljåsen, 1.prize
Now qualified for Wild tracking Norwegian championship, but needs shows.
2019-08-03: Blood-tracking competition, Tel. NKK, judge; Jørn Isaksen, 1.prize
2019-07-09: Freyja has been eye tested without any remarks Healthy eyes
2019-06-27: Blood-tracking trial test VBDHK: 1.prize. Judge Bjørg H Flatin
2019-04-03: Letter from NKK today. Back X-ray (IVDD) result: K-1 Hurrah!
IVDD recommended for breeding.
2019-03-21: Blood-tracking trial test AADHK: 2.prize. Judge Rune Johansen