Kennel Søril
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Breeding dachshunds in southern Norway Oppdrett av dachshunder på Sørlandet
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Updated 2025-03-09
Dachshund longhaired standard
Nordlys vom Strootbachtal
2020-08-14 Reg VDH/DTK 20T0175L Red
Sir: Ch Lasse vom Lehhof Dam: Hellma vom Strootbachtal
Health: IVDD Back X-Ray: K1 Healthy eyes (ECVO-test) All teeth
1.prize AK blood-tracking trial, JrCAC CAC NordicCAC CACIB BOB BIS2 BIG3 and BIG4 gr6/4

NEWS 2024:
2024-08-18 IDS NKK Tromsø, EXC CQ, judge: Vidar Grundekjern
2024-08-17 Nordic NKK Tromsø, EXC, judge: Ståhlberg Perttu, Finland
2024-08-16 IDS NKK Tromsø, EXC, judge: Jeavons, Guy, Canada
2024-07-07: IDS NKK Sandefjord, Exc CQ judge Philip O'Brien
2024-07-06: Nordic NKK Sandefjord, Exc1 CQ judge Saija Juutilainen
2024-05-12: IDS Roskilde, Exc1 CQ BB2 CACIB Judge: Sandra Piscedda, It
Now qualified for C.I.B
2024-05-11: IDS Roskilde-Winner: CQ BB2 R.CACIB Judge: Carsten Birk, DK
2024-05-10: Nordic Viking-Winner show Roskilde: Exc1 Ch.Cl CQ BB2
Res.Nordic-CAC Judge: José Tomas Delgado Cabezas
2024-01-12: My Dog, EDS SKK Gøteborg. Exc, Judge J. Borregaard Madsen, DK
Did not have a perfect coat after having puppies

NEWS 2023:
2023-11-03: IDS Växjö Exc2 CQ BB3 Res.CACIB Judge: Michele Colborne GB
2023-08-18: Nordlys gave birth to 6 puppies, 3 males and 3 bitches.
2023-07-16: NDF show Rena, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS judge Mikael Nilsson, SE:
"Great overall, excellent size and proportions, beautiful head and expression, excellent pigmentation, good jaws and teeth, very good front part, forechest and ribcage, strong hindquarters, excellent coat quality and shine. Free typical movements, with nice radiance, carry the tail well"
Now Nordlys will have a break - she is expecting puppies August 19.
2023-07-14: NDF show Rena, Exc1 CQ BB3 judge Tino Pehar
2023-06-25: VADHK dogshow Holum, Exc1 CQ BB2 judge Gunnar Furvik, SE
2023-06-17 and 19: MultiCh Sørils GF-Olly has successfylly mated Nordlys
2023-05-13: Nordic SKK, Hässleholm, SE Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB NordicCAC Judge: Anneli Pukkila, FI
2023-05-07: Dogshow Orre, Exc1 CQ BB3 judge Tomas Rohlin, Denmark
2023-05-06: Dogshow Orre, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BOG3 (Best Dachshund group 6/4) judge Larysa Pochekuyeva, Ukraina. Group judge Thomas Rohlin, DK
2023-03-11: Dachshund dogshow Disenå, Exc2 CQ BB2 judge S. Nordang.
2023-03-04: Doble dog show Froland, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS BIS3 judge AADHK Vidar Grundetjern
2023-03-04: Doble dog show Froland, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS BIS2 judge VADHK Svein Bjarne Helgesen
2023-02-23: Eye test (ECVO): Healthy eyes
NEWS 2022:
2022-09-28: Back X-Ray result: K1 Happy, happy!
2022-09-07: SEUCH confirmed for NJW-21 DKJW-21 NUCH DKUCH Nordlys
2022-09-04: Dog Show Rog.DHK: Exc CQ BB1 BOB BIS4, judge: Svein Nordang
2022-09-03: IDS NKK Orre: Exc CQ BB1 CACIB BOS, judge: Trygve Heyerdahl
2022-08-29: NUCH confirmed for NJW-21 DKJW-21 DKUCH Nordlys
2022-08-27: Dogshow AADHK, Søndeled, Exc1 Judge Lars Omdal
2022-08-22: DKUCH confirmed for NJW-21 DKJW-21 Nordlys Vom Strootbachtal
2022-08-21: IDS NKK Tromsø , Exc1 CQ BB1 CAC Nordic CAC BOB, BOG4 (group 4/6) judge Marie Gadolin, SE
2022-08-20: NKK Tromsø, Nordic show, Vg (was limping, uncomfortable and slow walking) judge Tschokkinen, Jetta, FI
2022-08-19: IDS NKK Tromsø, Exc2 CQ BB4 judge Marianne Holmli, NO
(Then NUCH and SEUCH will be too)
2022-08-14: Bornholm IDS, Rønne, Exc1 CQ BB3 CAC Now qualified for Danish show championship on her 2 years birthday, judge Inga Siil, Estland
2022-08-13: Bornholm Nordic, Rønne; Exc1 CQ judge Erling Kjær Pedersen
2022-08-12: Bornholm IDS, Rønne, Exc1 CQ BB4 CAC, judge Tinna Grubbe
2022-06-12: SKK IDS Vänersborg, SE: Exc2 judge John Sigve Berg, SE
2022-06-11: SkTK dogshow, Tidaholm, SE : Exc2 CQ ResCAC BB3 judge Gerterud Hagström, SE
2022-05-26: DGK dogshow Silkeborg 2: Exc1 CQ BB3 CAC judge P. Steen
2022-05-26: DGK dogshow Silkeborg 1: Exc1 CQ BB4 judge Irene Krogstad
2022-05-21: SBK dogshow, Orre, Exc CQ BB4 judge Vincent O’Brian, Irland
2022-05-22: Jæren BHK dogshow, Orre: Exc CQ BB3 judge Satu Ylä-Mononen, FI
2022-04-02: AADHK dogshow, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS judge Siv Bengtsson, SE
2022-04-02: VADHK dogshow, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS judge Marit Sunde, NO
2022-03-21: Blood-tracking trial test Bassetklubben: 1.price
2022-03-20: NKK IDS Kristiansand, Exc CQ judge Erica Pettersson, FI
2022-03-19: NKK Nordic show Kr.sand, Exc, judge N Brandstrup, NO
NEWS 2021:
2021-11-14: IDS & DKV Herning Exc1 CQ Jun.CAC DKJW-21 Judge Leif-H Wilberg
2021-11-13: NORDIC Herning, Exc2, judge Gitte Finnich Pedersen, DK
2021-11-12: IDS Herning, Denmark, Exc1, judge Jan Herngren, SE
2021-09-05: IDS NKK Orre, Exc1, judge Erica Pettersson, FI
2021-09-04: RDHK, Figgjo, Exc1 CQ BB2, judge Elin P Normannseth, NO
2021-08-28: NDF show Søndeled, vg, judge Børge Espeland
2021-08-23: IDS SKK Backamo SE: exc CQ CAC BB2 Judge Ann-Chr. Johansson SE
2021-08-22: Nordic SKK Backamo, SE: exc CQ ResCAC Res.NordicCAC BB2
Judge Anette Edlander, SE
2021-08-21: NW 2021 & Nordic NKK: exc1 NJW-21 judge J. Smedbakken
2021-08-15: Blood-tracking trial test FJFF: 1.price
2021-07-23: NDF dogshow Rena: Exc1 CQ (Res.CAC) BB2, judge Svein Nordang
2021-07-23: NDF dogshow Rena Exc1 CQ Res.CAC BB2, judge Elin Normannseth
2021-07-18: NDF Dogshow Hortemo: Exc1 CQ CAC BB2 judge Åse Jakobsen
2021-07-03: IDS NKK Trondheim: Exc1 CQ CAC BB3 judge Anders T-Hanssen
2021-06-19: NDF Dogshow Skien, Exc Judge Elin Normannseth, N
2021-06-12: NDF Dogshow Vestby, Exc, judge Arne Foss, N
Still a bit "puppy", but as the judge put it: "have a nice frame to grow into"
NEWS 2020
2020-11-30: Welcome to Norway and Kennel Søril

2021-07-18: NDF Dogshow Hortemo: Exc1 CQ CAC BB2

2023-05-06: Dogshow Orre, Nordlys Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BOG3 (Best Dachshund) BOS Multich Sørils GF-Olly

2022-08-21: IDS NKK Tromsø,
Exc1 CQ BB1 CAC Nordic CAC BOB, BOG4 (group 4/6)

2023-07-16 NDF show Rena, Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS

2021-11-14: IDS & DKV Herning Exc1 CQ Jun.CAC DKJV-21
2021-07-03: IDS NKK Trondheim: Exc1 CQ CAC BB3