Kennel Søril
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Updated 2025-02-20
News 2017
2017-12-31: Summarizing some achievements for 2017
An amazing year for TEAM SØRIL:
12 Honory awarded BREEDER CLASSES and 1 Honory awarded STUD. CLASS
5 WILD TRACK BREEDING PRICES (2 bronze, 1 silver and 2 gold)
Many BIS (Best in Show), BOG (Best of Group) and countless BOB (Best of Breed) Thanks a lot to our fantastic puppy buyers, partners, and all our friends who have been helping us making this possible.
2017-12-21: All the puppies from the S-litter has left us for their new forever homes. They have got new homes in Stavanger, Gyland, Konsmo, Skien, Sande and Vejle (Denmark)
2017-12-16/17 Stockholm Hundmässa, SV-17:
NUCh NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran (Owner: Anette Mogen) Exc
Sørils BS-Pia Mi (Owner Trine Næss) : Vg (super critic, but need som more show training
2017-12-09: New puppypictures at Puppies born 23.10. and 12.11.
2017-11-19: INT NKK-show, Norwegian Winner-2017 judge: Jetta Tschokkinen (WH) & Anders Thunold-Hansen (LH)
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco, (Owner: Anette Mogen) EXC1 CQ BM CACIB BOS NW-17
NUCh NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran (Owner: Anette Mogen) Ch.kl: Exc
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo, Owner:Trine & Per Ivar Næss) Vg
Sørils BM-Nick Kevin, Owner: Helene Andersen: Vg
NUCH SEUCHSørils Bs-Jilli (Owner: Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1CQ BB4
Sørils Gf-Olly (O: E & R Ellingsen) Exc1, NJW-17
NUCH DKUCH NJW-16 NW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini (O:E&R Ellingsen)
Sørils BS-Pia Mi (Owner Trine Næss) : BIR puppy, BOG4
Søril Breeder-class, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class, (attended with Brusco, Olly, Kamran and jilli)
2017-11-05: INT DKK-show DKW-2017, Herning, judge: Roxana Liliana Opris, RU
NUCh NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran (Owner: Anette Mogen) Ch.kl: Exc1 CQ 3BM Res.CACIB
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo, Owner:Trine & Per Ivar Næss) Exc4 CQ
Sørils Bs-Jilli (Owner: Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1CQ BB3 Res.CAC Res.CACIB
NUCH SEUCH Sørils Bs-Frodo (O: Bjørn & Inger K Læknes), exc
Sørils Gf-Olly (O: E & R Ellingsen) Exc2
NUCH DKUCH NJW-16 NW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini (O:Ellingsen)
2017-11-04 INT SKK-show Växjø, judge Per-Harald Nymark, NO
Sørils Bs-Jilli (Owner: Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1CQ BB CAC CACIB BOS
NUCH SEUCH Sørils Bs-Frodo (O: Bjørn & Inger K Læknes), exc1 CQ BM CACIB BOB
Now qualified for C.I.B
Sørils Gf-Olly (O: E & R Ellingsen) Exc1 CQ CAC BM2 Res.CACIB
NUCH DKUCH NJW-16 NW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini (O:Ellingsen) Exc1 CQ BB1 CAC CACIB BOB Now SEUCH and NORDUCH
2017-11-04: INT DKK-show, Herning, judge: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel, DE
NUCh NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran (Owner: Anette Mogen) Ch.kl: Exc3
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo, Owner:Trine & Per Ivar Næss) Exc
2017-10-24: NUCH Sørils Bs-Jinx has been eye-tested and got healthy eyes.
2017-10-23: (C.I.B) NUCH SEUCH DKUCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie has given birth to 6 puppies
2017-10-14: Team Søril at NDF-show in Drammen, judge: Svend Løvenkjær, SE
C.I.B N SE DK UCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils LB-Bajas, Exc1 CQ Club.CAC BM2, Owner: E. Hjelmerud - Now Norwegian Club-champion
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo, Exc3 Owner:Trine & Per Ivar Næss
NUCh NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran, Ch.kl: Exc4 Owner: Anette Mogen
NJV-16 DKJV-16 NORDJV-16 Sørils Bs-Miss Luna, Exc1 CQ BB3 CAC o: Paul Øyvind Jensen. Now Norwegian show champion (NUCH) and Danish (DKUCH) as well – Congratulation!
Sørils Bs-Jilli, Adult cl. Exc1 CQ BB4 Res.CAC Owner: Lisbeth Kittelsen
Søril Breeder-class, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class, (attended with Bajas, Jilli, Gismo and Miss Luna)
2017-10-10: 2 new beautiful dogs for stud, 2 nye avlshanner, klick here
2017-10-05: Bloodtracking test AADHK, judge Svein A Josvanger
Sørils Bs-Jinx, 1.prize Owner & handler: Hege Baggethun Congratulation! Now NUCH
2017-09-10: NKK IDS Orre, Rogaland, judge: Tiina Taulos
C.I.B N SE DK UCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils LB-Bajas (O:EHjelmerud: EXC1 CQ ResCACIB BM2
Sørils Gf-Olly (O: E & R Ellingsen): Exc1 CQ (CAC) BM4
(C.I.B) N SE DK UCH DKV-16 Sørils BS-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc2 CQ ResCACIB BB3
Sørils BS-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen): Exc1 CQ
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Trine & Per Ivar Næss : : Vg (did not show up - had been ill all night)
Sørils BS-Jinx (O: Hege & Pål Baggetun) Vg (super critiqe, but needs more ringtraining, spesially on the table)
SØRIL Long haired Breeder-class: Honory awarded breeder class, (attended with Bajas, Olly, Jennie and Jilli). The judge says:
"Group made of 3 combinations, none of them is overexaturated, corr. lenght of bodies with good toplines, nice frindging and corr. coat tex., all lovely attitudes and very nice temperaments"
2017-09-09: NDF Show, Kvernaland, Rogaland, judge: Marit Sunde
C.I.B N SE DK UCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils LB-Bajas (O:E Hjelmerud: EXC1 CQ BM1 BOS
Sørils Gf-Olly (O: E & R Ellingsen): Exc1
(C.I.B) N SE DK UCH DKV-16 Sørils BS-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB2
Sørils BS-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen): Vg
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Trine & Per Ivar Næss : Exc3 CQ BM3
SØRIL Long haired Breeder-class: Honory awarded & BEST in SHOW Breeder-class (attended with Bajas, Olly, Jennie and Gismo)
Wirehaired rabbit dachshund:
Sørils OC-Lamborghini (O: E & R Ellingsen): Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BIS4
2017-09-03: Blood-tracking competition HDHK, Løten, judge Anita Løvlien
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (O:Elisabeth Grønnevold-Olsen, handler: Tor Rynning Torp): 1.prize
2017-09-01:NUCH DKUCH has been cofirmed for NJW-16 NW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-LAMBORGHINI (wirehared rabbit)
KLBCH has been confirmed for C.I.B N SE DK UCH DKV-16 Sørils BS-Jennie
2017-08-30: Wild tracking test, Vest-Busk DHK, Judge: Snorre Moe
NUCh NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran, owner: Anette Mogen : 8 points - Approved for wild-tracking
2017-08-26: NDF Show at Søndeled Judge Antonio Di Lorenzo
NUCh NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran Exc1 CQ BM1 BOB Best In Show 1 owner: Anette Mogen
Sørils Gf-Olly: Jk Exc1 CQ (CAC) BM2
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco EXC1 CQ BM3, O:Anette Mogen
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo Exc2 CQ, owner Trine Næss
Sørils BM-Nick Kevin Exc1 CQ CAC , Owner: Helene Andersen
(C.I.B)NUCH SEUCH DKUCH DKV-16 Sørils BS-Jennie, Exc1 CQ BB2 O: Arvid Enggrav
NJV-16 DKJV-16 NORDJV-16 Sørils Bs-Miss Luna, Exc1 CQ BB3 Res.CAC o: Paul Øyvind Jensen
Søril Breeder-class, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class, Best Longhaired breeder class (attended with Brusco, Gismo, Kamran & Olly)
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini (wh rabbit): Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB BIS3
2017-08-24: Sørils Bm-Noah has approved a wild track test and is now approved for wildtracking (godkjent ettersøkshund). Owner Asbjørn Tømmernes
2017-08-23: Bloodtracking test AADHK judge Jøran Johnsen
NJV-16 DKJV-16 NORDJV-16 Sørils Bs-Miss Luna, 2.prize O & handler: Paul Øyvind Jensen
2017-08-20: INT Show at Lillehammer Judge Bjarne Sørensen
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco EXC2 CQ RES.CACIB BM2 o:Anette Mogen
Sørils Gf-Olly: Jk exc1 CQ BM3 CAC
NUCh NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran Exc1 CQ BM4 owner Anette Mogen
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo Exc3 CQ owner Trine Næss
(C.I.B)NUCH SEUCH DKUCH DKV-16 Sørils BS-Jennie Exc2 CQ BB2 RES.CACIB o: Arvid Enggrav
Sørils Bs-Jilli, Exc3 CQ o: Lisbeth Kittelsen
Søril Breeder-class, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class, Best Longhaired breeder class (attended with Brusco, Gismo, Kamran & Olly)
2017-08-19: Blood-tracking competition AADHK, judge Frank Sivertsen
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (O:Elisabeth Grønnevold-Olsen, handler: Tor Rynning Torp): Horory 1.prize, 4th best dog
2017-08-12: NJFF Dog-show at Elverum, judge Markku Moilanen, SE/ES
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen) Exc1 CQ BM1 BOS
(C.I.B)NUCH SEUCH DKUCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie(O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc2 CQ BB3
NVCH Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): Exc1, CQ, BM2 CAC - Now NUCH - Congraulation!
NJW-16 DKJW-16 NORDJW-16 Sørils Bs-Miss Luna Exc, O:Paul Øyvind Jensen
Sørils BM-Nanook (o: Heidi H Andersen): Exc
Sørils BM-NIck Kevin (:Helene Andersen): Exc
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini (wh rabbit): Exc1 CQ CAC BB1 BOB Now NUCH (and DKUCH as well) - Congraulation!
2017-08-12: Blood-tracking competition Telemark DHK
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (O:Elisabeth Grønnevold-Olsen): 1.prize
handler: Tor Rynning Torp
2017-08: KLBCH confirmed for C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen)
2017-07-2: Bloodtracking test AADHK judge Rune Johansen
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini (wh rabbit): 2.prize
2017-07-18: Blood-tracking competition Rena
Sørils Bs- Noah (Owner: Marit & Asbjørn Tømmernes): 1.prize
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): 1.prize
Sørils BM-Nanook (o: Heidi H Andersen): 3.prize
Sørils BM-NIck Kevin (O:Helene Andersen): 3.prize
(C.I.B)NUCH SEUCH DKUCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie(O: Arvid Enggrav): Did not pass
N SE DK NORD UCH Sørils GB-Zeppelin: Did not pass
2017-07-16: NDF Dog-show at Rena, judge Bertil Lundgren
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen) Exc1 CQ BM1 BOB
(C.I.B)NUCH SEUCH DKUCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie(O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc CQ BB1 BOS
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: P I & T Næss): Exc2 CQ BM2
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): Exc1, CQ
Sørils BM-Nanook (o: Heidi H Andersen): Exc CQ
Sørils BM-NIck Kevin (:Helene Andersen): Exc
Søril Breeder-class, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class, Best longhaired breeder class (attended with Brusco, Gismo, Nanook, Jennie)
2017-07-15: NDF Dog-show at Rena, judge Anne Marit Olsen
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen) Exc2 CQ BM3
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): Exc
Sørils BM-Nanook (o: Heidi H Andersen): Exc
Sørils BM-NIck Kevin (:Helene Andersen): Exc
Søril Breeder-class, Long h dachshunds 1.PR.(attended with Brusco, Nick Kevin, Kamran and Nanook)
2017-07-02: Internasjonal NKK-show Trondheim, judge Vigdis Nymark, NO
(C.I.B)NUCH SEUCH DKUCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie(O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc CQ BB1 CACIB BOB
Sørils Bs-Jinx (o: Hege & Pål Baggethun): Exc CQ BM2 CAC RES.CACIB
Sørils Bs-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen): Exc CQ BB3 CAC
2017-07-01: NDF-show Trondheim, judge Lars Widen, SE
(C.I.B)NUCH SEUCH DKUCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie(O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc CQ BB1 BOS
Sørils GF-Olly: Exc
Sørils Bs-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen): Exc
2017-06-27: Bloodtracking test AADHK judge Rune Johansen
Sørils BS-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen, handler: Eva A-W Ellingsen), 1.prize
Sørils BM- Nanook (o: Heidi H Andersen, handler: E Ellingsen), 1.prize
2017-06-26: Bloodtracking test Hedmark DHK judge: Arild Emilsen
Sørils BM- Nick Kevin (O & handler: Helene Andersen): 2.prize
2017-06-23: Sørils MM-Goffen (Fenris) has been X-Ray tested with best results, K-0, owner Tor Egil Fredriksen, Sola
2017-06-20: C.I.B has been confirmed for Sørils MM-Goldberry.
Sørils MM-Goffen and Sørils BS-Falana have been eye tested lately without remarks.
2017-06-11: INT DKK-show Vejen, DK, judge Hanne Laine Jensen, DK
NO SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB2 CACIB
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per Ivar & Trine Næss): Exc2 CQ BM4
Sørils MF-Olly, Exc1 CQ CAC BM3
2017-06-11: INT NKK-show Oslo, Judge Nielsen, Eva, SE
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): Exc
2017-06-10: INT DKK-show Vejen, DK, judge Ann Carlstrøm, SE
NO SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOS
now qualified for C.I.B
NORDUCH NSEVCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: P I & T Næss): Exc2 CQ BM2 RES.CACIB
Sørils MF-Olly, Exc2
2017-06-10: NDF show Hillestad, judge Tschokkinen, Jetta, FI
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen) Exc1 CQ BM2
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): Exc CQ BM4, Became NVCH today
Sørils BM-Nanook (o: Heidi H Andersen): Exc
N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (O:Elisabeth Grønnevold-Olsen): Vg
2017-06-04: VADHK-show Harkmark judge: Oscar Wilhelm Nilssen, NO
NO SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O:A Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB1 Club-CAC BOB BIS3
2017-06-03: Bloodtracking competition, Stryn
Sørils Bs- Noah (Owner: Marit & Asbjørn Tømmernes): 1.prize
2017-06-03: NJFF-show Kvinesdal judge: Vigdis Nymark, NO
NO SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB1 BOB, BOG1 and finally Best In Show out of group 4,5,6 and 7
INT NORD N SE DKUCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils Lb-Bajas(O: E Hjelmerud) Exc1, CQ, BM1, BOS
Sørils MF-Olly, Exc1 CQ BM2 CAC
-Sørils BS-Jilli, CK CAC BB2(O: Lisbeth Kittelsen)
2017-05-29: INT N SE UCH NVCH Sørils AL-Que Sera (Quira) left us today, nearly 12 years old. Rest in peace, adorable little star!. Forever in our heart.
2017-05-28: C.I.B N SE UCH NVCH Sørils MM-Goldberry gave birth to 5 puppies early this morning (4 males and 1 bitch). All red and healthy. Proud father C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-14 Sørils Bs-Farkas. More info here
2017-05-28: Skarnes (NDF show), judge Anette Edlander, SE
Sørils BM- Nick Kevin (O: Helene Andersen): Exc1 CQ BM3
2017-05-28: Blood-tracking kompetition
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): 1.prize - now almost NVCH - Just need a show prize after beeing 2 yaers old. Congratulation!!!!
N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (O:Elisabeth Grønnevold-Olsen) 3.prize
2017-03-19: Hadeland (NDF show), judge Anne Livø Buvik, N
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen) Exc CQ BM3
N SE DK UCH N SE VCH NJV-15 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per Ivar NæssTrine Næss): Exc
N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (O:Elisabeth Grønnevold-Olsen): Exc
2017-05-21: DGK afternoon-show Silkeborg,DK judge: Andreas Tornau, DE
NO SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB2 Club-CAC
INT NORD N SE DKUCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils Lb-Bajas(O: E Hjelmerud) Exc3
Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per Ivar NæssTrine Næss): Exc2 CQ
Sørils MF-Olly, Exc2 CQ BHK3
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini (wh rabbit): Exc1 CQ CAC BB1 BOB JYSK Vinner 2017
Søril Breeder-class, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class, Best longhaired breeder class (attended with Bajas, Gismo, Olly and Jennie)
2017-05-21: DGK morning-show Silkeborg,DK judge: Petter Steen,NO
NO SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB1 BOS, Club-CAC
INT NORD N SE DKUCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils Lb-Bajas(O: E Hjelmerud) Exc3 CQ BM3 Club-CAC
Sørils GF-Olly, exc1 CQ, Jr.CAC BHK4, ResCAC
Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per I Næss & Trine Næss): Exc2 CQ BM2 CAC Now DKUCH & NORDUCH
Big Congratulations!
Søril Breeder-class , Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class, Best longhaired breeder class (partisipated with Bajas, Gismo, Olly and Jennie)
2017-05-20: INT SKK-SHOW Hässleholm, judge: Kim Vigsøe Nielsen, DK
NO SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOB
INT NORD N SE DKUCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils Lb-Bajas(O: E Hjelmerud) Exc1 CQ BM1 CACIB BOS
Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per Ivar NæssTrine Næss): Exc CQ BM2 ResCACIB (will turn to CACIB)
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini (wirehaired rabbit) Exc1
2017-05-13: Bloodtracking competition, Vest-Busk DHK
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (Handler: Tor R Torp) 1.prize
NVCH Sørils CQ-Xavier (o & handler: Tone Bråthen): 1.prize
2017-05-13: NKK-show Ålesund, judge Petter Steen
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen): Exc
N SEUCH N SE VCH NJV-15 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per Ivar NæssTrine Næss): Vg
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): Vg
2017-05-07 SBK-show Orre : Judge Åse Jakobsen, N
Sørils MF-Olly, Exc1 CK, CERT 1BHK BOB
INTUCH N SE DK UCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils LB-Bajas, Exc1, CK 2BHK (O: Einar Hjelmerud)
-Sørils BS-Jilli, CK CERT 1BTK BOS (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen)
-N SE DK UCH DKV-16 Sørils BS-Jennie, Exc1, CK 2BTK (O: Arvid Enggrav)
Judge BIS-breeder Cathy Delmar, Irland:
BIS3 breederclass (show including all 10 groups)
2017-05-05 & 06: Bloodtracking test, Froland JFF, judge: Berit Seljåsen
Sørils GF-Olly (handler: Eva A-W Ellingsen): 1.prize
N SE DK UCH DKV-16 Sørils BS-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): 2.prize
2017-04-23: NDF show in Bergen. Judge: Nocole Kubli
Sørils Bs- Noah (Owner: Marit & Asbjørn Tømmernes) Exc2, CQ
2017-04-22: IDS NKK Bergen Judge Hans Boelaars, NL
Sørils Bs- Noah (Owner: Marit & Asbjørn Tømmernes) Exc2, CQ
2017-04-02: Bloodtracking test, Eigesund JFF, judge: Alf-Harry Andersen
Sørils GF-Olly (handler: Eva A-W Ellingsen): 2.prize
2017-04-01: Bloodtracking test, Rogaland DHK, judge: Alf-Harry Andersen
Sørils GF-Olly (handler: Eva A-W Ellingsen): 2.prize
N SE UCH NJV-15 Sørils Lb-I'm Trym (O Gina Kristensen): 2.prize
2017-03-26 + 27: Goldberry has been successfully mated (klick for more info) SIR: Sørils BS-Farkas
2017-03-26: NDF show in Oslo. Judge: John Sigve Berg (S)
Sørils BM- Nick Kevin (O: Helene Andersen): Vg
Sørils BM- Nanook (O: Heidi Høgmo Andersen): vg
WOW - WHAT A WEEKEND for TEAM SØRIL. Two days of shows - look below:
2017-03-19: Gjennestad (NDF show), judge Hannele Jokisilta, FI
N SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: A Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB1 ClubCAC BOB BIS2
Sørils BS-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1 CQ Res CAC
DKJV-16 NORDJV-16 NJV-16 Sørils BS-Miss Luna (O: Paul Ø Jensen) Exc1 CQ
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen) Exc1 CQ ClubCAC BM2
N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (O:Elisabeth Grønnevold-Olsen) Exc2 CQ BM4
N SE UCH NJV-15 Sørils Lb-I'm Trym (O Gina Kristensen): Exc CQ
N SEUCH N SE VCH NJV-15 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per Ivar NæssTrine Næss): Exc CQ
Sørils BM- Nick Kevin (O: Helene Andersen): Exc1 CQ
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): Exc1 CQ
Sørils LB-Brusco: Honory awarded and BIS progeny class (attended with Jennie, Jilli. Miss Luna and Kamran), owner : Anette Mogen
Breeder-class Søril, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class, BIS2 breeder class (attended with Brusco, Farkas, Jennie and Jilli)
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini Exc1
2017-03-18: Int NKK-show Kristiansand, judge Arne Foss
N SE DK NORD UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav): Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOS
Sørils BS-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1 CQ
C.I.B N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Sørils LB-Brusco (O:Anette Mogen) Exc1 CQ BM2 Res.CACIB
INT NORD N SE DK UCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils Lb-Bajas (O: E Hjelmerud) Exc3 CQ BM4
N SE DK UCH N SE VCH DKJV-15 Sørils BS-Farkas (O:Elisabeth Grønnevold-Olsen) Exc2 CQ BM3
NUCH SEUCH NJV-15 Sørils Lb-I'm Trym (O Gina Kristensen): Exc CQ
N SEUCH N SE VCH NJV-15 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per Ivar Næss + Trine Næss): Exc CQ
Sørils BM- Nick Kevin (O: Helene Andersen): Exc CQ
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): Exc
Breeder-class Søril, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class
(Partisipated with Brusco, Bajas, Farkas and Jennie)
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini Exc CQ BB1 CACIB BOB
2017-03-16: Marshmallow gave birth to 5 wonderful puppies. More infor here
2017-03-13: Received C.I.B-diploma for Sørils BQ-Dirty Dancing
2017-03-12: DGK dogshow in Holstebro, Danmark, judge Lise-Lotte Schulz
Ñ SE DK UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: A Enggrav) Exc CQ Klub CAC BB1 BOB BIS1
NUCH Sørils BS-Jilli (eier Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1 CQ BB2 CAC
INT NORD N SE DK UCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils Lb-Bajas (o: E Hjelmerud)Exc CQ Klub CAC BM1 BOB
N SE UCH NJV-15 Sørils Lb-I'm Trym (O: Gina Kristensen): Exc2 CQ CAC BM2 - Now also DKUCH and NORDUCH Congratulation to Trym and Gina - dreamteam!
Breeder-class Søril, Long haired dachshund: Honory awarded breeder class
2017-03-03: Semiamhoo gave birth to 3 wonderful puppies. More info here
2017-03-01: Bloodtracking test
Sørils GF-Olly (handler: Eva A-W Ellingsen): 1.prize
2017-02-12: INT NKK-show Bø, judge Harry Tast, FIN
N SE UCH NVCH Sørils MM-Goldberry: Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOS
Now qualified for Internasjonal championship = C.I.B
Sørils BS-Jilli (eier Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1 CQ BB3 Res.CAC RES.CACIB
NUCH SEUCH NJV-15 Sørils Lb-I'm Trym (O Gina Kristensen): Exc2
N SEUCH N SE VCH NJV-15 Sørils Mm-Gismo, O: Trine Næss: Vg
Sørils Bm-Kamran (O: Anette Mogen): vg
Sørils Bs- Nanook (O: Heidi Høgmo Andersen): vg
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini Vg
2017-02-12: NDF show Moss, judge Bo Paulsson, SE
N SEUCH N SE VCH NJV-15 Sørils Mm-Gismo, O: Trine Næss, Exc CQ BM3
Ñ SE DK UCH DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie, O: Arvid Enggrav, Exc CQ Klub CAC BB2
Sørils Bs-Jilli, O:Lisbeth Kittelsen, exc1
Sørils Bm-Karma, O: Inger Cecilie Huseby Grønnerød, vg
2017-02-11: INT DKK show Fredericia, judge Leif Ragnar Hjort, NO
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini Exc1 CQ CAC BB CACIB BOB and finally also BIG1
2017-02-10: Annual meeting Vest-Agder Dachshundklubb
VADHK Best Show-dog 2016: INT NORD N SE DK UCH NV-12 DKV-15 Sørils Lb-Bajas (owner Einar Hjelmerud, Kristiansand)
2017-01-28: Annual meeting Aust-Agder Dachshundklubb
AADHK BEST DOG OF THE YEAR: DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (owner Arvid Enggrav)
AADHK Best Show-dog 2016: DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (owner Arvid Enggrav)
BRONZE Breeding-prize blood-tracking: INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH SEUCH DKUCH NVCH SEVCH Hound's Marshmallow, SE10197/2010
SILVER Breeding-prize blood-tracking: INT NORD N SE DK UCH N SE VCH Badamtam's Semiamhoo
GOLD Breeding-prize blood-tracking: Blizz Miss, 14263/06 (new owner Paul Øyvind Jensen)
2017-01-23 Bloodtracking test Vest-Busk DHK
Sørils BM- Nanook (O & handler: Helene Andersen): 1.prize
2017-01-21: NDF-show Gran, Judge Svein Bjarne Helgesen
N SE UCH N SE VCH NJV-14 Sørils Mm-Gismo (O: Per Ivar Næss): Exc CQ BM4
2018-01-18 Updated sites:
MALES Hanner - new Søril-dog for stud
PUPPIES Valper - 2 longhaired litters expected in March
2017-01-16: Marshmallow has successfully been mated 14.01. - 16.01.2017. More info at Puppies medio March 2017
2017-01-08: MyDog2 Gothenburg INT SKK-show
Judge longhaired: Knut-Sigurd Wilberg, NO
DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav) Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOS and qualified for Crufts
Sørils Bs-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1
NUCH Sørils Bs-Frodo (O: Bjørn & Inger Katrine Læknes), exc CQ
Judge Wirehired: Svante Frisk, SE
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini Exc
2017-01-07: MyDog1 Gothenburg INT SKK-show,
Judge longhaired: Eva Liljekvist Borg, SE.
DKV-16 Sørils Bs-Jennie (O: Arvid Enggrav) Exc1 CQ BB1 CACIB BOS. Now SEUCH NUCH DKUCH and NORDUCH (Swedish champion, and Norwegian, Danish and Nordic champion as well since she has enough CACs in both Norway and Denmark for championship) HURRAH!
Sørils Bs-Jilli (O: Lisbeth Kittelsen) Exc1
NUCH Sørils Bs-Frodo Owner: Bjørn & Inger Katrine Læknes Vg (did not behave well on the table)
Judge Wirehired: Paula Heikkinen_lekhonen, FI
NW-16 NJW-16 DKJW-16 DKW-16 Sørils OC-Lamborghini Exc1
2017-01-02: Semiamhoo has successfully been mated 31.12.2016 -02.01.2017. More info at Puppies primo March 2017
NEWS 2016