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Results 2014:

2014-09-14: INT NKK-show Orre: Exc2, CQ, judge Gerterud hagström, SE

2014-09-13: NDF show Ålgård: Exc2, CQ, BM3, judge Anette Edlander, SE

2014-06-07: Int Vänersborg, SE, : Exc1, CQ, BM2, Res.Cacib, judge S Bengtsson
2014-05-18: Silkeborg, DGK Morning-show, Exc1, CQ, 3BM, judge Bjarne Sørensen
2013-09-15: NDF-show Froland, Exc3 Judge Arvid Gøransson

Results 2013:
2013-09-15: NDF-show at Rogand DHK, Ålgård.  Chcl: Exc3 Judge: Arne Foss, NO
2013-09-14: NKK Rogaland. Chcl: Exc4, Judge Saija Juutilainen
2013-08-03: SKK Int Show Øresund, Chcl: Exc3, CC, 4BM, Judge: Ch Jacobsen
2013-08-01: Got the Back X-Ray result for Bill Bill today: K-0  Hurrah!!!
2013-07-13: Glåmdal og Romerike DHK, Elverum, Exc3, CC, BM4  judge: M. Kranz
2013-07-07: NKK Int Trondheim Exc2, Judge: Petter Steen, NO
2013-07-06: Trøndelag DHK, Trondheim, Exc2, CC, 4BM Judge:  A. Göransson, SE
2013-06-22: VAJFF show Vennesla, Exc2, CC, BM4, judge Vigdis Nymark
2013-06-09: NDF show Valand, Exc1, CC, BM2, judge Harald Aune
2013-06-08: SKKInt show Vänersborg, Se:Exc1, CC, Res.cacib, BM3, Judge: P Sunebring
2013-06-02: NKK int show Drammen: Exc2, CC, BM4 Judge E Jöhnsson, SE
2013-06-01: NDF show Holmestrand: Exc1, CC, CAC, BM2 judge Anders T-Hanssen Now Norwegian Champion
26.05.2013: DGK show Silkeborg, Exc1, CC, Club-CAC, BM5, judge Svein Nordang
26.05.2013: DGK show Silkeborg, Exc1, CC, BM4, judge Marie Gadolin, SE  
2013-05-21: SEUCH has been confirmed for Bill Bill
2013-05-15: Budapest Grand Prix Cacib Show, Exc4 judge Gitty Schwab
2013-04-27: NDF-show in Skien, Open class: Exc2, CC, 4BM Judge: Harald Aune
2013-04-20: STK-show Tvååker, SE, Workingcl: Exc3, CC, 3BM,Judge: S Nordang,
Now SEUCH  Hurrah!
2013-03-17: NKK-show Kristiansand, Open class: Exc3, CC, Judge: Stefan Sinko
2013-03-16: NDF-show Froland, Open Class: Exc, Judge: N.Jovanovic
2013-03-02: NDF-show in Oslo, Working class: Exc1, CC, BM2, Res.CAC,Judge: B Sørensen
2013-02-09: NDF-show in Trøgstad, Working class: Vg4, Judge: Iren Naarits
2013-01-06: SKK Int show Gøteborg, Working-cl: VG3,Judge: B.S.Martin, Spania
2013-01-05: SKK Int show Gøteborg, Working-cl: Exc3, Judge: Marie Gadolin, SE

Results 2012:
2012-11-25: Int NKK-show Lillestrøm, Med.class: Exc2 Judge: Pauliina Sjøholm, FI
2012-10-14: Int NKK-show Hamar, Med.class: Exc4 Judge: Kjell Lindstrøm, SE
2012-09-16: Int DKK-show Vejen, DK, Med.class Exc1 Judge: Kim V Nielsen, DK
2012-09-15: Int DKK-show Vejen, DK, Med. class Exc1, CQ, 4BM Judge: A Kazmierski
2012-09-09: Int SKK-show Sofiero, SE W.class: Exc2 CQ 4BM resCAC Judge: A.Edlander,
2012-09-08: STK-show Hässleholm SE, W.class Exc1 CQ 3BM resCAC Judge: S Nordang,
Sørils LB-Bill Bill and Sørils LB-Bajas  the show's best coupe!!
2012-08-25: NDF-show Søndeled, Open class: Exc1 CQ 4BM Judge: MJohansson, SE
2012-08-19: NKK-show Oslo, Young class: Vg1 Judge: Markku Lampero, FI
2012-08-11: NJFF show Elverum, Young class: Vg1, Judge: Mats Johnsson SE
2012-07-15: WUTJCH (Welt Union Teckel Junior championship) has been confirmed
2012-07-15: NDF show Elverum, Jr .class: Vg 2, Judge: Vigdis Nymark, NO
2012-07-14: NDF show Elverum, Jr .class: Exc1, CQ, 4BM Judge: Carina Olsson,SE
2012-07-01: NKK show Trondheim, Jr.class: Exc1, CQ, 1BM, CAC, BOS Judge: G Hagstøm
2012-06-30: NDF show Trondhem, Jr .class: Exc1, CQ, 5BM Judge: Marita Kranz,SE
2012-06-16: NJJF show Byremo, junior class: Exc1, CQ, 1BM, CAC, 1BOB, 3BIG
2012-06-10: NDF show Hortemo, junior class: Exc 3, Judge: Henny AndersenDK
2012-06-03: NKK show Drammen, junior class: Exc 3, CQ Judge: Svend LøvenkjærDK
2012-06-02: NDF show Skoger, junior class: Exc 3 Judge: Hannele Jokisilta (SF)
2012-05-27: NDF show Hølen, junior class: Exc 2 Judge: Markku Moilanen, SE
2012-05-13: NDF show Froland, junior class: Exc 4 Judge: Ingrid Andresson
2012-05-12: NKK Show Lillesand, junior class: Exc 3 Judge: M A Nielsen
2012-05-12: Eye-Examinations: Healthy
2012-05-06  DKK Show in Roskilde: Junior class: Exc1, CQ, 4BM Judge: A Edlander, SE
2012-05-05  DKK Show in Roskilde: Brukshundklasse: Exc2, Judge: T Heyerdahl, NO
2012-04-29: NDF-show in Skien: Juniorclass Exc1, CQ Judge: Torbjørn Granheim, NO
2012-04-22: STK-Show in Uddevalla, SE: Juniorclass Exc 2 Judge: B-Åke Bogren, SE
2012-04-14  STK show in Tvååker,SE: Exc 2, CQ, 4BM, Judge: Nina Karlsdotter, SE
2012-04-05  Blood-tracking test in Froland: 2.price.  Judge: Svein A Josvanger
2012-03-20  Blood-tracking test in Arendal: 1.price.  Judge: Jan P Pedersen
2012-02-18  NKK show in Bø: Junior-class: Exc2   Judge: Lars Hjelmtvedt, NO   

Results 2011:
2011-09-11  NDF show in Stavanger:  Puppy 1BM, BOB and BIS4  Judge: V Nymark, NO
2011-08-27  NDF show in Søndeled: Puppy 1BM BOB and BIS2  Judge: W Rui, NO
2011-06-12  NDF show in Hortemo: Puppy 3BM    Judge: PH Nymark. No
2011-06-04  NDF show in Skoger:  Puppy 1BM, BOB and BIS  Judge: A Tunold-Hanssen


Dachshund longhaired standard
Sørils LB-Bill Bill

2011-01-19    Reg NO33711/11 


Health: Healthy eyes,  Back X-Ray: K-0

1.prize blood-tracking

Bill Bill died from us 3rd July 2016 after being poisoned and got acute renal failure. He was only 5 years old. More than a week's treatment at the vet could not save his life. We have lost the most wonderful funny, happy, kind, obedient and great male.

No one can take your place you, Bill Bill. You will forever have a special place in our hearts.

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